
How can we become the recipients of the above mentioned protective embrace?
One that protects us from all sides - meaning from everything.
Is it automatic?
Is there something we can do?
Bauji explains this in his Gurbani Vichar - Divine Will- in the following way…here are some excerpts that point this out explicitly.
The inner experience of the Soul is called ‘Intuition’ or ‘Divine Consciousness’.
This ‘INTUITION’ is the only means of contact or ‘communion’ between Man and God.
It is through ‘intuition’ that humanity can realize Divinity and experience all the Divine attributes of :
Divine WILL, Divine LAW, Divine JOY, Divine COMPASSION, Divine BENEVOLENCE, Divine LOVE, and Divine GRACE.
In other words, ‘Intuition’ is the only means of TRANSITION.
FROM: intellectual knowledge of outer experience of mind
TO: inner experience of the SOUL, i.e., consciousness of Divinity.
This transition or transformation of consciousness can be attained by turning our thoughts and minds inwards — by concentration and meditation with intense devotion.
In this difficult, subtle and sublime process of transformation of mind to the exalted state of Divine Consciousness:
- Contact, Company,
- Help, Guidance,
- Inspiration, and blessings of Enlightened Souls —
is imperative and essential.
When a soul is awakened from the illusive ‘world- consciousness’, it is transformed into Intuitional ‘Divine- Consciousness’.
His own will is blended and merged into the Divine Will. All his thoughts, desires, actions and emotions etc., reflect the Divine Will and Divine Law.
He then acts, moves and has his being in the spiritual plane and lives the Presence of Divine Grace and Glory.
To make this point more comprehensive, following illustrations may be helpful.
When water of a rivulet joins a river and merges into it, it starts running in conjunction and ‘in tune’ with the stronger flow of the river, and acquires the full force of the ‘River-flow’.

On the other hand, when some amount of water is separated from, and gets out-of tune with the mainstream, it looses the force and direction of the mainstream.
Similarly, when our own egoistic will is conjoined and merged into the Divine Will and works ‘in- conjunction’ and ‘in-tune’ with the flow of Divine Will, we spontaneously acquire all the powers and qualities of Divinity.
On the other hand, when our mind is disillusioned by egoistic consciousness, and our faith and devotion for Divinity is weakened or diminished, the flow of our ‘life current’ gets ‘out-of-tune’ with the Divine Will. Thereby, we deprive ourselves of our Spiritual Heritage of Divine Qualities, and become slaves of ‘Maya’.
So, it is clear that it is only when we intuitively realize and merge wit the Divine Consciousness (Shabad) that we are in the Divine Protective Embrace, no longer subject to the mesmeric effects of Maya!