
PART 1: The Khalsa

In the first Sawaiya of Dasam Granth, a collection of works believed to be written by Guru Gobind Singh, the pure Khalsa is defined as follows:
He, who fixes his thought on the Supreme Reality day and night
and does not turn his mind to anything else except the One;
who is full of love and faith and does not put his trust in fasts
and does not worship tombs hermit-cells or crematoriums;
whose place of pilgrimage charity, compassion, austerity
and self-control consist of devotion to the One,
and whose mind is resplendent with the Ever-Shining Light!
Professor Puran SIngh, defines the attributes of the Khalsa in the Spirit of the Sikh, in his unique loving way. It brings shudders in one’s heart and produces a deep longing to meet such a Khalsa or to even become one!
The Khalsa has the inner sovereignty of the Kingdom of Heaven.
His heart like the heart of a conqueror and his mind has the supremacy of the Sat Sri Akal, in which it lives immersed.
The eyes of the Khalsa, like the Eagles of Liberty gaze into infinite spaces and sweep in their high flights, the great plains of life.
The Khalsa has no time for the miserable details of the humdrum mundane world.
All that the world holds precious has dropped from his hands, as he lies dead to it in God life…
The Khalsa has no selfish ends for the aggrandisement of his small self in this warfare of life, because his “I” has already grown by the Grace of the Guru to be large “I” of Humanity itself.
He is God.
No one need be afraid of the Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh, that it would ever think of seeking the bones of material objects.
The eyes of the Khalsa are fixed heavenward.
“I opened my eyes and saw that this Universe is the body divine of God; it is Beauty of Hari, Hari!” – Guru Granth (Ramkali, Anand, XXXVI).
Rare, rare is the Sikh and still rarer, rarer is Khalsa, the Sikh Commonwealth, because both are inspirations, both are vehicles of Divine grace and both are flashes divine… the divine Perfected Humanity-that have met the Guru….
Wah Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Khalsa is of the Master,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh All glory to the Great Guru

May we all, with HIs Grace, aspire to be Guru Sahib’s Pure Khalsa-
Nirbhau (Fearless)
Nirvair (Without any enemies)
PART 2: Reflections

In 1699 Guru Gobind Singh, chose Vaisakhi (The harvest festival) as the occasion to transform the Sikhs into a family of soldier saints, known as the Khalsa Panth, in front of thousands at Anandpur Sahib. I had the good fortune of visiting Anandpur Sahib a couple of years ago. Known as “the holy City of Bliss,”, It is located on the lower spurs of the Himalayas surrounded by picturesque natural scenery. Anandpur Sahib was founded in 1665 by the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur. Guru Gobind Singh himself baptized the very first Panj Pyaras.

I was transported in time when I saw not the gorgeous temple that stands there but by this magnificent tree that has withstood all events (battles, peaceful times) for over 300 years and also witnessed this event - the formation of the Khalsa. I could not but feel the magical presence of the auspicious holy gathering that happened here.
This tree had seen my Guru, been in His presence.
I was transfixed. In its great wisdom, it stood rooted in this single place on the earth’s surface, faithfully witnessing the unfolding of time, observing the surroundings. Stillness of Time began to creep up on me.
Perhaps I was there, perhaps you were there?
Who knows, but one thing is for certain, the loving embrace of our dearest Patshah ji is felt by whosoever immerses himself or herself in His Being and falls at His Lotus Feet.
This Vasiakhi, while we commemorate the momentous birth of the Khalsa Panth, let us pay loving homage to the sacrifices our Beloved Guru Sahib made for us, and try to walk the path of love He carved for us.