PART 1: Smile From The Soul
Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not. The Coronavirus pandemic has emphasized this principle and made us realize its certainty. The unimaginable has become the norm – we are going to be retiring behind masks for who knows how long.
Behind those masks will we still smile since the other person cannot see us smiling?
Perhaps now we have to learn to smile from the soul which gets reflected in the eyes and can be felt by the other soul. Smile with the soul and your eyes. This needs practice.
On my daily walks, behind my mask or scarf covering my face, I practice smiling at people passing by. At first, it didn’t work!! Haha..! Then I tried nodding my head and kinda tried raising my eyebrows quickly to let them know I was greeting them. Hilarious!! At least I couldn’t stop smiling. Oh well! it was working for me at least. And then slowly, it seemed that something began working – more and more people started nodding and I could see acknowledgement in their eyes. Aha..it is still a work in progress, and the count is still at 3 per walk. Hope to increase it slowly but surely.
The heartwarming story below is a testament to the power of a smile. Please do take the time to read it.

To counteract the feeling of hopelessness and gloom and low morale, behind the curtains which we put up to shield ourselves, our dignity, our social titles and our status we have to remember our real authentic selves. Merely worrying about money or career advancement will not bring about prosperity or success. Positive steps must be taken to overcome one’s perceived problems – a genuine smile is a master tool for this. So, from time to time throughout the day, relax the mind from the material concerns – take a break for a period of happiness within.
Consider this: why do we instinctively smile whenever we see a baby?
Could it be because we are meeting someone who has no defensive barricades? Just pure soul. We instinctively smile back with our barricades all gone too.
It is at this magic moment that our two souls have connected. Smiles are the language of the soul; a shortcut to happiness and to recognize that we are the same consciousness
Bauji urges us to cultivate positive thoughts and reminds us consistently of their effect on our destiny. To bring out that kind of smile- smile from liver- smile from your heart - whichever organ you like - from within yourself, be happy, meditate on your omnipresence and throughout the day keep your mind filled with thoughts of His Benevolence.

Help others with your smile.
Go on, make someone’s day!
Please Continue to Practice Social Distancing.
Please Stay Safe.
Please Wash your Hands.
Stay in the Moment.
Eat well. Exercise. Laugh.
Shukar! Shukar! Shukar!
With Warmest Nanak Love

PART 2: Sense of Humor

Humour has been identified as one of our most powerful ‘life coping’ tools. It is one of the world’s most potent health supplements, not toxic, low-calorie and absolutely free.
What exactly do we mean by humour? It isan attitude focused on generating positive feelings in yourself and for others. It is an active state and a choice that we make.
Laughter and its advantages- Studies have shown that a good hearty laugh reduces physical and emotional tension. At first the muscles tense when you are laughing and then relax completely for almost an hour. The heartier the laugh, the more relaxing it is and the longer the positive effect. Laughter helps the body to produces endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. A good laugh can help to stimulate your internal organs, increase your circulation, raise the level of oxygen in the blood and boost the immune system. During these times of change it is very important to be in touch with our overall wellness. While smiling and laughing are tools to enhance the feeling of wellness, it is worthwhile to examine what is meant by Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness is generally considered to be the search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and others, while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world. Sangat, Simran, Seva (compassion, the capacity for love and forgiveness, altruism, joy).The ultimate tools for spiritual wellness. Gurbani and Kirtan are practices set by our Masters which support and scaffold our connection to a higher power or belief system with affirmations.
Mindfully focusing on wellness in our lives builds resilience and enables us to thrive amidst life’s challenges. The National Wellness Institute promotes Six Dimensions of wellness: emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

Here are some things we can all sense do to achieve an overall sense of well-being:-

We are all so blessed to have a great support system in place (Baleharee Gur Apne…) which is acting as a compass for our spiritual wellness regardless of outer circumstances.

Please Continue to Practice Social Distancing.
Please Stay Safe.
Please Wash your Hands.
Stay in the Moment.
Eat well. Exercise. Laugh.
Shukar! Shukar! Shukar!
With Warmest Nanak Love
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Always looking forward to getting contributions from you all!! Please do share your thoughts.