
I am always blown away with how gifted and talented you are - ALL OF YOU!!
In fact i feel both humbled and proud (if that is even possible!) because in you I see the glorious loving, nurturing effects of Sadh Sangat. I am not kidding when i say - ALL OF YOU!
Seriously, when you bring to the forefront your thoughts during kid’s classes, your well written contributions for Nihaal, your general remarks, your emails and your expressions of art which still hang at the Bunga Sahib in Montreal you leave me with a deep sense of gratitude and amazement. The Grace is flowing in different ways in each and every one of you, and in expressing yourself you are allowing your light to shine for others. This is the blessing of our Mahapurakhs.
I would like to invite you to shine even more.
The world needs extra doses o love, joy, gratitude and truth seekers.
What better way than art to do so?
So guru pyaree sadh sangat jee: SHINE: SHOW YOUR TRUE COLOURS

I am proposing a GIVE AWAY of three copies of the book (Mantra Art: The Journey Within) to the best contributions and any three from the Reflective Mini-Series as prizes.
What: Make your personal 8″x8″ Gratitude expression -see yellow one above. It can be the same, it can be in Punjabi (wow!), it can be any other design your heart desires.
It can also be something a blog post for Nihaal.ca on a topic of your choice.
When: You have until next Sunday morning (July 5th) until noon
Where: Submit to jussrani@gmail.com
Who: Anyone- no age restriction
Why: To share your creative expression - your inner authentic self so we all can do sangat
How: By just doing it! Let all the love flow!
Aao jee..tun aao hamarey. Har juss tum sang gavna.
Please do share about this with those who don’t know about it.


Art is a form of meditation when you get absorbed in it. It brings you to the present moment. It is a great tool for bringing forth the inner voice and ground you. It would be amazing if we can do this all together.
I am sending the same message as i did on Saturday just in case you didn’t see it. Maybe you can also let others know so we get quite a few entries. Collectively we are trying to be grateful, collectively we are trying to bring positive vibrations by bringing love and gratutude vibes with the art about Gratitude (see last post) .
Will you give it a shot? Will you get involved?
No age restriction. The more the better.I was asked if i could extend the time to July 15th.

With Warmest Nanak Love
Please continue to practice social distancing! Please Stay Safe. Wear a mask! Please Wash your Hands. Stay in the Moment. Eat well. Exercise. Laugh. Shukar! Shukar! Shukar! |